“The bell for rising was rung at 5 a.m. Each did his prayer rule and penance until 7 a.m. in his cell. Between 7 and 10 a.m. we all took part in the hours, Akathist and Holy Liturgy. Then we went to our monastery obediences (with the abbot as our prime example) until 2:30 p.m., when the bell rang for the afternoon meal. At 3 p.m., we went to Vespers. Afterwards, we withdrew to our cells, we read holy books, and did our evening prayers, the Canon to the Mother of God, the Canon to the Guardian Angel and other canons. At 7:30 p.m., the bell was rung seven times, and, after that, each returned to his cell and no one was allowed to have any more conversations.”
(Typical Day in the Monastery of Archimandrite Ioanichie Moroi)photo