“The divine services are a very great affair. They are everything. I have experienced this. The precondition is for everything to be done with eras, with interest and with a sincere disposition to worship Christ — not as a chore and not perfunctorily, but with eros and divine enthusiasm. If we do not feel like this, the services are without value. Not only are they valueless, but they are harmful. ‘Then,’ you will say, ‘let’s stop doing them.’ No, not at all. But as far as you can, avoid simply following the book and look to the substance of the matter. That is, take pleasure in prayer and in conversation with God. Boredom is disaster for the monk. For my own part, I am never bored. I have always enjoyed the services. I didn’t put any pressure on myself and I never did anything as a bounden duty. On the contrary, if possible I want to hear the same things today and every day. Over and over again.”
– ‘Wounded by Love’