“‘On rising from sleep, we fall down before You, Good Lord.’ That’s the way to achieve the object of your desire. The soul then reverts to its original luster, to its primeval state, to its ancient beauty. What does God say? ‘On whom shall I look, if not on the meek and peaceful man who fears my words?’ Christ gives grace to the person who loves His words and all good things come easily to him. As you see, we struggle without warfare and without bloody contests. Our soul is gladdened and our hearing is sweetened as we hear the hymns and something happens within us. This pleasure brings divine enthusiasm and our soul becomes worthy to receive the grace of God and God Himself sanctifies the soul. We cannot be sanctified without divine grace, however much we try. Whereas by meditating on the words of Scripture we can become saints, simply and without great effort.”
– ‘Wounded by Love’