“Walk straight ahead. Keep knocking a little longer through frequent prayer, and not just a spring, but waterfalls from heaven and the fountain of the deep will open, so that the feeling you have now of love towards Christ will be watered and grow. The enthusiasm yon
have is due to the purifying grace of God which compassionately purifies a person. Grace is divided into three classes. Its first action is called purifying. After it purifies a person, he is given another greater gift, which is called illuminating grace, that is, he receives enlightenment of spiritual knowledge. And the third grace is called perfecting, which we shall talk about when yon get there. So behold, now you have your corresponding portion i Whatever good you do, whatever good you think of, it is all due to grace. As the saints write, ‘There is nothing good that is not from God, and nothing evil that is not from the devil’.
~ Monastic Wisdom