“The humble person believes that all things depend on Christ and that Christ gives His grace and in that way he makes progress. The person who possesses holy humility lives even now in the earthly uncreated Church. He always has the joy of Christ, even in the most displeasing circumstances. We see this in the lives of the saints. What was Saint  Paul? He was a man like us. But what happened? He became an instrument of God, a chosen vessel. His words bear witness to this: ‘It is no longer I who live; Christ lives in me.. .for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.’ He was consumed by burning love for Christ. His humility raised him up to that state. To burn for God — that is everything! If you have love for your neighbor and for God, God will give you humility and He will bestow on you sanctification. If you do not have love for God and for your neighbor, and if you are indolent, Satan will tyrannize you, your old self will take revenge on you, and you will find fault with everyone and everything and be forever complaining. You’ will think that your work and responsibilities or your exhaustion are to blame. You will say,‘How on earth did I end up in this state, why am I behaving in this way?’ without being aware of what induced this state. This state, however, is the revenge of your instincts.”

–  ‘Wounded by Love’