“God looks closely at the tribulations of His children and gives them consolation as a good Father. After all, do you think that God wants to see His children suffering? He is aware of all of the tribulations, all of the tears, and later, He compensates. Only God provides true consolation during sorrows. This is why a person who doesn’t believe in the true life, who doesn’t believe in God to ask for His mercy during times of tribulation, is a person full  of of despair and one whose life has no meaning. Such a person not only always remains without assistance, without consolation and tormented in this life, but also condemns his soul eternally. of despair and one whose life has no meaning. Such a person not only always remains without assistance, without consolation and tormented in this life, but also condemns his soul eternally.  despair and one whose life has no meaning. Such a person not only always remains without assistance, without consolation and tormented in this life, but also condemns his soul eternally.  But spiritual people, who face all their hardships while remaining close to Christ, do not have sorrows of their own. As they gather the many bitter experiences of others, they also gather the abundant love of God.

– ‘Family Life’