“He is the Light of truth, because He revealed in Himself the truth of the true nature of God and the true nature of man, the relationship of man to man, and the relationship of man toward God. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His words will not pass away; for heaven and earth both came into existence by His word, and His word is from Him and with Him always, and will not pass away. He is the Light of righteousness, because He revealed the might of righteousness and the weakness of unrighteousness. He revealed this in the brightest light— by what He said, by what He did, and by what He experienced— and overcame the unrighteous ones. He has revealed it through His Church over the course of twenty centuries— through His numerous righteous saints and martyrs, for righteousness’ sake. Righteousness is of God, and in the long line of history, it can never be defeated. Unrighteousness is of helpless beings. Unrighteousness quickly rushes out to the rampart with its triumphant banner, but at the same time, it is quickly thrown into the grave. He is the Light of life. His words illuminate life. His works illuminate life. His victory illuminates life. Especially His Resurrection, as the most luminous sun, illuminates life by its bright light and disperses death as a weak shadow.”
– ‘Prologue of Ohrid’