“The first pitfall occurs when one begins to read Orthodox books, is inspired by them, but does not apply their principles properly to one’s own life. Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov, one of the great Russian Fathers of the 19th century — a beacon light for modern times, together with his contemporary, Bishop Theophan the Recluse — wrote a special book, called in English ‘The Arena’ for the monastics of the last times — our times — where he gives advice which all Orthodox strugglers of our times should heed. In this book he warns beginners on the monastic path not to become so exalted by some inspiring writings of the Holy Fathers or even by the Lives of Saints, that one forms “an impossible dream of a perfect life vividly and alluringly in his imagination” and ceases to do the humble Christian tasks right in front of him (ch. 10).   This is a basic pitfall. One can think about living in the desert, while right in front of one there may be an excellent opportunity to practice Christianity — someone may be in trouble, and with our high ideas we may not even think of helping him. Or, with these same high ideas in our mind, we may begin to criticize others and be lacking in the basic Christian love without which all our high ideas are empty. Through experience we must learn how to apply the writings of the Holy Fathers and the Scripture itself to our own level and circumstances.”

  • ‘Orthodoxy in America’