“A leader is someone who leads from the front. A leader is not a boss. The boss tells you what to do because he can. A leader engages with you and you do what you do as a result of the inspiration that is given to you by him. The leader inspires. A leader sells a vision and creates a belief in that vision. That belief is shared with those following and more importantly those following buy into the vision. They buy into the belief.

  • A leader takes responsibility for all. He is, if you will, the servant of all. A true leader is humble and looks to the great responsibility that he is taken on and not to the glory of his position for self-aggrandizement. This leader, Christ, spoke great wisdom. He lived love. His miracles spoke of his divinity for no man could do what this man did. This filled the heart of his followers with zeal and conviction which at Pentecost coalesced and turned them into men most wise thus making simple fishermen into fishers of men.
  • Christ was not a just man. As Paul said in his epistle to the Romans, for scarcely would one die for a just man. But one would die for God. These disciples, apart from John the Divine, were all martyred for their faith because as fishers of men, filled with the Holy Spirit, they in their turn laid down their life for their sheep whilst walking in the footsteps of Christ.
  • So, Christ calls both you and me to become fishers of men. If we are true fishers of men then we too must be repaired to lay down our life for those in our care whilst we, too, follow in the footsteps of Christ.”

– Paradise4Kids posting

***Now and then we include a particularly thought provoking or inspiring excerpt not from one of our regular ‘Elders’***