I remember, when I was still a layman, there was a man in Konitsa who, right after the Resurrection service, would say out loud for everyone to them “I will go up to the Monastery of Panaghia to light the vigil oil lamps.” But because of the way he said it, one could see that he had pride, willfulness… So, he would go up at night to the monastery, walking two hours there and another two back. And that road was rough! The small church in that monastery was in such a shambles that it was impossible for anyone, let alone him, to even find wicks and floats for the vigil oil lamps. So, in the end he made all that effort for nothing. And yet, if one were to have told him, “Now, after you get home, light the vigil oil lamp”, he might not have! If he had really wanted to make a sacrifice, he should have just gone quietly to the monastery and simply lit the lamps
– ‘Passions and Virtues’