The angels, to whom the Lord has entrusted to you, cannot delay or be negligent in guarding you. They are able, because they have grace and power and they are not ever defeated. It remains for you to not fear and to not be anxious. This anxiety is the way in which the devil takes control over our minds and our life. He has no power and is not able to do anything except to cause us fear, and when we are weak, he dominates us. The angels, by their holy presence, do not let you feel the presence of the evil one. The angels do not cause you fear, but rather fill your heart and your conscience with light, peace and tranquility, and the anxiety stops. Let not your heart be troubled, says the Lord, because I give you peace not as the world giveth (CF. JOHN 14:27). The world greets you with peace to your face, but behind your back they betray you.

The angels do not betray, because they have no other weapon besides obedience to the will of God. God sends them to serve you, and so do not have fear, because they will not abandon you and they have the power to fulfill the will of God. It is for you to respond to them and to imitate them in constant, unceasing prayer… Thus we should honor these holy angels who are unseen yet are present with us at every moment when we are in danger or difficulty, helping us and sustaining us. As long as one’s holy angel holds onto a person, he will not fail him and the evil one will have no power over him. This is how the Lord preserves us in all the circumstances of our life, with these holy fights and piercing intellects. They are bodiless, but they reach out to us and understand us and help us; and they know how to achieve God’s purpose for our salvation in this fife.

– Quoted in the ‘Burning Bush)