Hieromonk Innocent on An Oft Repeated Refrain…
In our worship, one phrase is often repeated: “Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.” This is followed up with: “Both now and...
Orthodox Quote for January 2
“What is the Christmas spirit, then? It’s the feast itself. It’s the incarnation. The Son of God becomes a human son. Christ became a human person. This is the...
Daily Devotional for January 2-8
Sunday 10 resolutions for a better spiritual life in 2022… 1. Praying Daily: Have a regular prayer rule that includes morning and evening prayer. 2. Worshiping and Participating in...
Orthodox Quote for January 1
“…we need the light of Christ’s Nativity in our world darkened with confusion, anxiety, and temptations. We might struggle to see this light in our suffering world, racked by...
Orthodox Quote for December 31
“As young children are unable to judge of the actions and conduct of their father, so likewise we are not in a condition to scrutinize with due faith the...
Orthodox Quote for December 30
“Forgiveness does not only do good to the one who is forgiven, but also to the one who forgives because the soul returns to its state of spiritual health,...
Orthodox Quote for December 29
“Moderate fasting, vigils and psalmody are natural means for achieving a balance in the body’s temperament…Our memories can be stripped of passion through prayer, spiritual reading, self-control and love.”...
Orthodox Quote for December 28
“How can we return to the blissful state that Adam and Eve enjoyed before they fell? God has shown a way through Redemption, by giving us commandments, a way...
Orthodox Quote for December 27
“Those who only hear about spiritual meditation and prayer and have no direct knowledge of it are like men blind from birth, who hear about the sunshine without...
St. John of San Francisco on the Nativity…
The Lord forces no one to come to Him, but calls everyone: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you #8221;...