Orthodox Missionary News Briefs 02/01/16
“This is tithing…Guatemalan style! In North America most people write a check, but our parish and pre-seminary often receive huge offerings of corn/beans like this #8221; (Missionary Jesse Brandow) WORSHIP...
Monastery Pilgrimage 101
Deputy Abbot Fr. Alexander (Frizzell) answers questions about why (should people come), what (happens at a Pilgrimage), how (preparations are made) and more a few days before the annual Pilgrimage Weekend...
St. Tikhon’s Monastery: Preparation for a Pilgrimage Weekend
Below is an interview is Archimandrite Sergius Boyer, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery in St. Canaan, Pennsylvania. Each year on Memorial Day weekend, the monastery has a Pilgrimage featuring...