Orthodox Quote for November 26
“So, envy in itself is nothing, but it has reasons, among which there is love for fame: for whoever wants to be glorified, envies the glorified or the preferred...
Orthodox Quote for November 25
“Let us give thanks to God continually. For, it is outrageous that when we enjoy His benefaction to us in deed every single day, we do not acknowledge the...
Orthodox Quote for November 24
“A person who would talk to you in idle words, or of the world; or who murmurs at what he/she cannot remedy or prevent, but who would distress you...
Orthodox Quote for November 23
“If you see someone exalting himself and is arrogant about his abilities, know that even if he created great signs and resurrected the dead….he is being robbed by an...
Orthodox Quote for November 22
“The eye sees the visible while the mind comprehends the invisible. A God-loving mind is the light of the soul. A person who has a God-loving mind has an...
St Mardarije on Persevering Through Trials…
But dare I address this word of exhortation to you, brethren, who are groaning under the heavy burden of trials, that you might continue to bear this heavy burden?...
Orthodox Quote for November 21
“The Church does not cower in fear before the temptations of this world: she is the rock upon which those stand, who will not be tossed about by them....
Daily Devotional for November 21-27
**commentary from the Orthodox Study Bible Sunday Ecclesiastes 1: The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2 “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; “Vanity of...
Orthodox Quote for November 20
“Saint Isaac the Syrian says that suffering in this life consumes hell. That is to say, when the spiritual laws are in effect for someone’s life, a portion of...
Orthodox Quote for November 19
“The path of humility lasts as long as the days of our life. How else can we prepare ourselves to pass through the entryway into His Heavenly Kingdom if...