Orthodox Quote for July 10
“Man is in the image and likeness of nature… But as a creator, as one knowing good and evil, as a thinker, contemplating the entire universe, he is the...
Orthodox Quote for July 9
“Some have afflicted their bodies by asceticism,but they lack discernment, and so they are far from God.” (St Anthony the Great, ‘Sayings of the Desert Fathers’)
Orthodox Quote for July 8
“Unfortunately many Christians judge their faith according to how much spectacular it contains. The words: humility, simplicity of faith, hard labor, repentance and prayer no longer please the modern...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“Many children leave the Church after entering university. One of the greatest troubles in California is the general recognition of homosexuality. If you say that homosexual relations are a...
Orthodox Quote for July 6
“Because all the saints of God were saved by their lives of asceticism according to their firm faith, but in no case could they receive salvation without the grace-filled...
Orthodox Quote for July 5
This is Orthodoxy. It is Truth. Everything in the Church has a basis which traces back to Holy Scripture or the teaching of the Church fathers. This is one...
Elder Ephraim+ of Arizona on the Unexpected…
May the all-compassionate God be merciful to my wretched soul, which has nothing but its indifference and unreadiness. My mind stops when it contemplates this absolute truth about salvation. ...
Daily Devotional for July 4 – 10
Sunday Mark 13:1 Then as He went out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, “Teacher, see what manner of stones and what buildings are...
Orthodox Quote for July 3
“When we reach the end of our journey and when we pass through the toll gates , when the demons come forth to divulge our thoughts, words and deeds,...
Orthodox Quote for July 4
“Everything is created by God that is given to us for use, and in gratitude to Him we must honor that which God has allotted for Himself for our...