Orthodox Quote for June 3
“Wherefore our Lord Jesus Christ was born in a manger, and raised in a house; but once He was grown He did not have a place to lay His...
Orthodox Quote for June 2
“Our commitment to God is not a one-time event whether at baptism or a return from to the Church but rather a moment by moment turning to the Lord,...
Orthodox Quote for June 1
“Children must be educated in the spirit of the Gospel of the love of Christ and Christian values, through prayer and exhortation to a holy life and good works”...
Orthodox Quote for May 31
“The Lord is often silent out of love for people. God allows a person to undergo severe temptations for his salvation. In His omniscience, the Lord sees perfectly clearly...
Archimandrite Panteleimon of Hamatoura on Angels
The angels, to whom the Lord has entrusted to you, cannot delay or be negligent in guarding you. They are able, because they have grace and power and they...
Orthodox Quote for May 30
“What is above all desirable for man ? The avoidance of sin, the remission and forgiveness of sins and the attainment of holiness. Wherefore? Because sins, such as, for...
Daily Devotional for May 30 – June 5
Sunday Mark 10:32 Now they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was going before them; and they were amazed. And as they followed they...
Orthodox Quote for May 29
“Liturgy must be completed with philanthropy, and philanthropy must be enlightened and sanctified by the liturgy.” (Patriarch Daniel of Romania, address)
Orthodox Quote for May 28
“It is not enough simply to bear the name ‘Christian’ as a kind of affiliation or badge: we must live and think and breathe after the manner of Christ...
Orthodox Quote for May 27
“The beginning of freedom from anger is silence of the lips when the heart is agitated; the middle is silence of the thoughts when there is a mere disturbance...