Orthodox Quote for May 4
“Through the Resurrection, we rejoice—in spite of the difficulties, trials, and struggles that we have faced, and always will face, in the brief span of our earthly lives… our...
Orthodox Quote for May 3
“…we should take into account the influence of American secularism, which limits faith to inside the walls of the church. According to it, you can’t be a religious businessman,...
Fr Seraphim Rose+ on Lessons from the Past…
By reading and getting a historical perspective, we see that in past ages this was not considered enough, even by ordinary laymen. They were constantly doing things out of...
Orthodox Quote for May 2
“God has many times revealed Himself to people, in different ways, and he still does so, through His saints, chiefly in prophecies, signs, and miracles. But why has He...
Daily Devotional for May 2 – May 8
Pascha/Sunday Matthew 27: 61- 28:4 And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb. 62 On the next day, which followed the Day of Preparation,...
Orthodox Quote for May 1
“All spiritual struggles taken on without corresponding strength are abandoned. The impression left by an abandoned excessive podvig/struggle is so harmful that the spiritual strugglers who abandon an immoderate...
Orthodox Quote for April 30
“We give glory to You, O Lord, who raised up Your cross to span the jaws of death like a bridge, by which souls might pass from the region...
Orthodox Quote for April 29
“If we were to discover that someone unknown to us had been secretly helping us in a very significant way, without wanting anything in return, we would have such...
Bishop Irenei on Fear Ruling the World…
This world has shown, in these past few months, what really governs it — and it is not wisdom or compassion, or science, or truth. It is fear. For...
Orthodox Quote for April 28
“…he who labours the most in the works of the Lord, shall receive the most in the kingdom of God. Let each of us, in whatever vocation he is...