Orthodox Quote for April 20
“…faith furthers works. Works in turn make faith perfect, for until that which someone believes is done in deed, faith is not really faith. It becomes apparent only in...
Orthodox Quote for April 19
“We are paying great attention today to the events that have arisen in the whole world in connection with the coronavirus. Whether it is from God or from evil,...
Elder Anthimos+ on Honoring the Saints
We celebrate the memory of our Saints every year in order to receive strength, to renew ourselves in soul and to follow their example, to the degree that it...
Orthodox Quote for April 18
“Be the defenders of purity and the sanctity of family life. Teach your children to understand and keep in purity what God has ordained, namely that youth be a...
Daily Devotional for April 18-24
Sunday The week of the prodigal [in the pre-Lenten period] speaks of so much to us! It speaks about our peace and satisfaction in the house of the heavenly...
Orthodox Quote for April 17
“Let’s not indiscriminately consider the rich to be blessed, and neither let us disparage the poor, nor scorn tradesmen, nor consider labor to be a reproach. Rather, let us...
Orthodox Quote for April 16
“Oh, how much the memory of death should flourish in the soul of the Christian! Since he believes in the real truth, it is impossible for him to ignore...
Orthodox Quote for April 15
“I have never understood how children can be sent to play hockey at five , how they can get to school by 8:45 without fail, and yet Liturgy...
Elder St Paisios on Repentance and Age
In fact, when one grows old, he is given the opportunity to repent more readily because illusions are gone. While he still had his physical strength and his youth,...
Orthodox Quote for April 14
“Meager food at the table of the pure cleanses the soul of those who partake from all passion…for the work of fasting and vigil is the beginning of every...