Daily Devotional for February 7-13
Sunday When a man acquires a Christian conscience, he zealously labors to correct his life and to please God. For him, all else becomes of little importance. We have...
Orthodox Quote for February 6
“…the snares of Satan are many for those who worship God. Temptation manages very successfully to ensure that we pay no attention to the worship. We go to church...
Orthodox Quote for February 5
“If we only remembered that Christ suffered the greatest injustice of all, then we would be ready to accept with joy every injustice done to us…It is difficult for...
Orthodox Quote for February 4
“One guards his conscience with respect to God when he avoids the various sins. He guards his conscience with respect to his neighbor when he does not grieve him,...
Orthodox Quote for February 3
“Sorrows are a spiritual lesson by which a man learns his weakness and the power of God. The harder the sorrow, the deeper the lesson is. All we have...
Orthodox Quote for February 2
“Do you remember the action films in the 90’s? There was violence and swearing enough, but the protagonists wore crosses and prayed in distress. In films today, the villains...
Orthodox Quote for February 1
“O Bridget,I obey thee. Love God, and all will love thee. honor God, and all will honor thee. Fear God, and all will fear #8221; (Words of a ‘madman’...
Metropolitan Tikhon Shevkunov on Preparation for Eternity
From generation to generation, through images and parables the Church tells people about the great truth that each of us must experience, whether we believe or not, whether we...
Gaining Victory in Temptations…
At the moment when your soul is in danger and you are struggling, cry out,‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.’ Beat off everything with prayer. This is the...
Orthodox Quote for January 31
“In their view, true Orthodoxy is when babies are baptized at home, when you can freely come to church towards the end of services and take Communion twice a...