Orthodox Quote for August 12
“Many times a person is diluted out of ignorance are because others mislead him. But when he has an upright soul and good intentions, the Lord does not abandon...
Orthodox Quote for August 11
“If we wish to save our life, our Lord tells us, we must lose our life. How is this done? By choosing to focus our time and energy on that...
Daily Devotional for August 11 – 17
Sunday **This week excerpts from Catholic Bishop Challoner’s meditations CONSIDER, first, that mortal sin is infinitely odious to God, and infinitely pernicious to our souls. It makes them like...
Orthodox Quote for August 10
“ We must speak the truth to those who thirst-for, we must tell men confused by the myriad of opinions and sects that claim the name of Christian that there...
Orthodox Quote for August 9
“The laver is called illumination because the minds of those who learn these things are #8221; (Justin Martyr, on baptism sited by St John Chrysostom)
Orthodox Quote for August 8
“Raising children in the faith and in the knowledge necessary for life, which forms them as future citizens of the earthly homeland, but also as a possible future citizen...
Orthodox Quote for August 7
“…through setbacks of this kind He restrains the presumption that we tend to feel because of our advance in the knowledge of God. Trials and temptations are the reins...
Orthodox Quote for August 6
“Why are some life-weary ? Because they cannot find a subject which can occupy every side of their nature and wholly satisfy them. There is but one such subject: God and His decrees and...
Orthodox Quote for August 5
“The first step towards humility is fear of God and remembrance of Him in all things that we do. Secondly, the struggler must not love to do his own...
Orthodox Quote for August 4
“Do not shift everything off on the clergy; you can do much yourselves, you know each other better than we do.” (St. John Chrysostom, Homily 30)