Orthodox Quote for November 5
“You must make your move towards God in time. But for you to succeed m this, divine grace must illuminate you. If this isn’t done at once, then the...
Orthodox Quote for November 4
“Forgiveness from the heart of everyone…Constant prayers for those who trouble you.” (Rule of St. Columba 7th century)
Orthodox Quote for November 3
“American culture is so ego-centric with virtually every aspect of life centering on the “me,” and not the “other.” “I deserve it.” “I should have it my way.” “My...
Orthodox Quote for November 2
“It was not the communists, but the Lord Who won. The communists had so many weapons, and propaganda, but Jesus Christ didn’t have a single soldier. Jesus Christ conquered...
Vibrant Love
He loves us because He is Love, but He also desires that we love Him in return; that we love Him with our whole heart, soul and mind. When...
Orthodox Quote for November 1
“We should be praying for all the candidates themselves, regardless of who wins. We aren’t praying that they succeed in accomplishing their political agenda. We are praying that they...
Daily Devotional for November 1-7
Sunday Luke 7:11 Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large...
Orthodox Quote for October 31
“In the moment we might become anxious and even angry that things aren’t going our way, but as time passes and we look back, we see that we have...
Orthodox Quote for October 30
“Don’t go backwards in the spiritual life! If you decide to start the Jesus Prayer, you have to choose some time out of the twenty-four hours. It’s acrobatics—get up...
Orthodox Quote for October 29
“Remember what man is. He is the image of God, a child of God, a Christian, an inheritor of the Kingdom, a member of Christ. We must therefore esteem...