Orthodox Quote for March 22
“It’s very important for us to cultivate this awareness of the presence and the work of the saints in our lives. When we pay attention only to what’s going...
Orthodox Quote for March 21
“No matter how much we may study, it is not possible to come to know God unless we live according to His commandments, for God is not known by...
Orthodox Quote for March 20
“The easiest means to salvation are love and humility; they are what we will be judged for. These two virtues move God, so that He condescends to bend low...
Orthodox Quote for March 19
“During the Fast you were reading more about spirituality, prayer, the lives of the saints. Continue doing so. Everyone can find time to read at least the daily Epistles...
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“This life was given to us so that we might learn about the life eternal, learn how we can become free, how we can progress freely, with a clear...
Orthodox Quote for March 17
“If our relationships are not founded upon the assurance of our relationship with God they will be weak… always ready to collapse and in the danger of become an...
Orthodox Quote for March 16
“Christ did not come to be the Chief of the Moral Police. He came to unite us to heaven. He came so that we could participate in the Divine...
Daily Devotional for March 16 – 22
Sunday Genesis 3:16 To the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply your pain and your groaning, and in pain you shall bring forth children. Your recourse will be...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
“God in order to punish as well as cure our readiness for pleasure, established pain and death into human nature, to follow it everywhere and appear unwillingly. Because human...
Orthodox Quote for March 13
“If you retain your own will, you cast out the will of God and hinder divine grace.” (Elder St Paisios in ‘Athonite Elders’)