Orthodox Quote for August 19
“I think that we must understand how important it is to lead a spiritual life. This doesn’t only mean Sunday services, but our thoughts, our daily actions, every hour of...
Orthodox Quote for August 18
“Put your trust in God the Creator, and therefore do not fear anyone or anything. God is your shield and your protection. He who trusts in God will never...
Orthodox Quote for August 17
“A habit of absentminded, inattentive and careless prayer breeds a coldness towards God, dejection, a weakening of the faith and a darkening of the mind, and these in their...
Abbot Tryphon on the Impact of COVID
“During such times I think it most important to make your morning and evening prayers, and set aside time for spiritual reading—not only the daily Gospel readings but the...
Orthodox Quote for August 16
“I have often been asked if we are evangelical in nature. My answer has always been the same “if what you mean by evangelical is passing out tracts and...
Daily Devotional for August 16-22
Sunday 1 Corinthinan 1:6…. I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were...
Orthodox Quote for August 15
“… books on Orthodox spiritual life. These include the Lausiac History (which tells about how the monks lived in Egypt, and how they fought spiritually), the Dialogues of St....
Orthodox Quote for August 27
“What holds the church together is the holy Eucharist, communion in the Body and Blood of Christ. That is the essential thing that the Church does and which nobody...
Orthodox Quote for August 14
“No external factors should control us to the extent that they become a basis for anger or irritation.” (Archpriest Victor Potapov on Anger, )
Orthodox Quote for August 13
“Judgment of our neighbor drives away the activity of the Holy Spirit. In difficult situations, like prison, evening (night) prayer is very helpful. Let us pray to the Good...