Orthodox Quote for December 23
“For to those who do these things God is not manifest, unless they have first cleansed themselves from all impurity. All these things, then, involve you in darkness, as...
Orthodox Quote for December 22
“You must also learn that no matter where you work, especially if it’s in the Church, there will always be many disappointments and disenchantments, because people are people everywhere,...
Orthodox Quote for December 21
“We must thank God for everything, love God and our neighbor, and endure everything that God allows…there will be a great reward, not only on Earth, but also in...
Orthodox Quote for December 20
“The true experience of heaven is accompanied by a feeling of such awe and fear before the greatness of God and a feeling that such unworthiness to be beholding...
Orthodox Quote for December 19
“As to all those who by baptism are born again, the door of the kingdom of heaven is opened, so all in baptism receive the gifts of the Holy...
Orthodox Quote for December 18
“We do not give up our confession though we be executed by the sword, though we be crucified, thrown to wild beasts, put in chains, and exposed to fire...
Orthodox Quote for December 17
“Why are some life-weary ? Because they cannot find a subject which can occupy every side of their nature and wholly satisfy them. There is but one such subject:...
Daily Devotional for December 17 – 23
Sunday Luke 19:28 28 When He had said this, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. 29 And it came to pass, when He drew near to Bethphage and Bethany,...
Orthodox Quote for December 16
“Not Christ only is led into the desert by the Spirit, but also all the sons of God who have the Holy Spirit. For they are not content to...
Orthodox Quote for December 15
“The vain desires of this world separate us from our homeland; love of them and habit clothe our soul as if in a hideous garment… We, traveling on the...