Orthodox Quote for December 5
“But fasting alone is not enough. This we can see in the many present-day sects and so-called religions, where very strict fasts are sometimes practiced. Why then do not...
Orthodox Quote for December 4
“I say, then, that God is not born, not made, an ever-abiding nature without beginning and without end, immortal, perfect, and incomprehensible. Now when I say that He is...
Orthodox Quote for December 3
“The daily work of repentance has to become how we live our lives. But repentance cannot mean what we’ve been led to believe it means. It doesn’t mean “I’m...
Daily Devotional for December 3 – 9
Sunday Luke 19:Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. 2 Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. 3 And he...
Orthodox Quote for December 2
“Every Christian ascends the Golgotha that God has prepared for him, carrying the cross given him by God’s Providence. And in order to not despair, not despond and not...
Orthodox Quote for December 1
“Fasting for the body is abstinence from food and drink; fasting for the soul is abstinence from the passions that war against and enslave our soul. Humbling the soul...
Orthodox Quote for November 30
“For now is the time to labour for the Lord, for salvation is found in the day of affliction: for it is written: ‘By your endurance you will gain your...
Orthodox Quote for November 29
“Having fulfilled a commandment, expect temptations; because love toward Christ is tested by difficulties.” (Mark the Ascetic, Collected quotes from Bishop Alexander)
Orthodox Quote for November 28
“…the leading demons are eight in number, which are as many as the deadly passions: gluttony, lust, avarice, despondency, anger, slothfulness, vainglory and pride. Each evil spirit wars against...
Orthodox Quote for November 27
“How is this possible to be in the depths of the despair and yet not to lose hope? It is possible when we remind ourselves that God is the...