Daily Devotional for October 15 – 21
Sunday Luke 16:14 Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they derided Him. 15 And He said to them, “You are those who justify...
Orthodox Quote for October 14
“At the last judgement, the sheep and goats will not be distinguished by their accomplishments, nor how sinless they were. Instead the judgement will be based on whether they...
Orthodox Quote for October 13
“If the enemy robs you of attention and compunction during prayer, do not desist. He who forces himself to pray when his soul is dry stands higher than the...
Orthodox Quote for October 12
“The crown of every good endeavor and the highest of achievements is diligence in prayer. Through it God guiding us and lending a helping hand, we come to acquire...
Orthodox Quote for October 11
“The greatest weapons of someone striving to lead a life of inward stillness are self-control, love, prayer and spiritual reading.” (St Thalassios the Lybian, ‘On Love’ in the Philokalia)
Orthodox Quote for October 10
“We must be serious-minded, not frivolous or silly. Our words to others should be few, and covered with gentleness. Real humility appears first in the heart; then it shows...
Orthodox Quote for October 9
“There are many who say that the perfection of Christian life consists in fasts, vigils, genuflections, sleeping on bare earth and other similar austerities of the body. Others say...
Orthodox Quote for October 8
“Let no one think, my dear brothers in Christ, that the duty of praying unceasingly and always belongs only to those of priestly rank and monastics and not to...
Daily Devotional for October 8 – 14
Sunday Continued Navarre Commentary on the Prodigal Son’s Return… “When God runs towards us, we cannot keep silent, but with St Paul we exclaim, Abba, Pater: `Father, my Father!’...
Orthodox Quote for October 7
“The first and foremost reason why our intention to correct ourselves and lead a holy life remains without result lies in the fact that our intention is often too...