Daily Devotional for March 5 – 11
Sunday Luke 4:31 Then He went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and was teaching them on the Sabbaths. 32 And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word...
Orthodox Quote for March 4
“By forgiving one’s neighbor, a man thereby becomes like God, who forgives us, and fills his soul with Divine power, grace that helps a man live decently on earth...
Orthodox Quote for March 3
“We pray to the Lord of peace to soften the hardened hearts and enlighten the minds of all political and secular actors, especially those who support and prolong the...
Orthodox Quote for March 2
“Man is forgiven by God especially if he himself also forgave… God asks that when we want to draw nearer to Him, we not forget our fellow men, and...
Orthodox Quote for March 1
“At the last judgment, the criterion is love. Love in action. But there is a catch! It is not love of those who are easy to love, like our...
Orthodox Quote for Februrary 28
“Behold, Great Lent has come. However, it is not the fasting of the body as much as the fasting of the tongue, of the mind, of the heart, and...
Orthodox Quote for February 27
“It is our business then to recognize who we are and how God created us to be. We’re not simply robots. We are not an automaton who responds automatically...
Orthodox Quote for February 26
“Blessings on you all my children. God loves all of us. He is very good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. He is the father of...
Daily Devotional for February 27 – March 4
Sunday *Comments on a deeper prayer life from Archimandrite Sergius of St Tikhon’s Monastery Now, when we think of the word in the Greek for chastity and purity, it’s...
Orthodox Quote for February 25
”He who really redeems his life, always dwelling on the thought and remembrance of death, and wisely withholding the intellect from the passions, is in a far better position...