Orthodox Quote for January 9
“We must not avoid communion because we deem ourselves to be sinful. We must approach it more often for the healing of the soul and the purification of the...
Orthodox Quote for January 8
“…you just get so discouraged that you smash the machine, then you have lost the battle. The battle is not how many copies per hour come out: the battle...
Daily Devotional for January 8 – 14
Sunday This week: Ecclesiasticus 8:1Strive not with a mighty man’ lest thou fall into his hands. 2Be not at variance with a rich man, lest he overweigh thee: for...
Orthodox Quote for January 7
“The Magi represent the pagan peoples who would believe in Christ and be saved. These three wise men brought gifts to the Infant Christ…Gold, frankincense and myrrh mean that...
Orthodox Quote for January 6
“Since Herod was king, he was naturally afraid both for himself and for his children. But why was Jerusalem troubled? Surely the prophets had foretold him as the Savior,...
Orthodox Quote for January 5
“…the star, when it stood over the child, held still. This itself demonstrates a power greater than any star: first to hide itself, then to appear, then to stand...
Orthodox Quote for January 4
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, ‘You are mad, you are not...
Orthodox Quote for January 3
“If you have made a rule to read so many prayers (whether they be long or short, fulfil the reading of all of them well), read the prayers with...