Orthodox Quote for January 2
“…we can see that many people who are not Orthodox have many good things about them, and then they go off in some respect. In the end it’s up...
Orthodox Quote for January 1
“…it is useful to ask ourselves, “How often do I feel the desire to pray? The honest answer to this would be “Not very often”, and that is the...
Orthodox Daily Devotional for January 1 – 7
Sunday Readings from Catholic St Josemaria Escriva this week…’Christ is Passing By’ Such was their sentiment that the Gospel almost repeats itself: “When they saw the star again they...
Orthodox Quote for December 31
“And so do we too offer gold to the newborn king if we shine in his sight with the brightness of the wisdom from on high. We too offer...
Orthodox Quote for December 30
“Indeed, even though someone thinks that he is in possession of all the virtues, he is still not fit for the kingdom until he has first endured to the...
Orthodox Quote for December 29
“So please, I beg you, let’s prefer attending church to any other occupation or care. Let’s run eagerly to church, no matter where we are. Be careful, however. Let...
Orthodox Quote for December 28
“You, the youth, should not show hatred towards people who drink and fight. Their number is increasing day by day, but the image of God lives in them too,...
Orthodox Quote for December 27
“By establishing the Feast of the Lord’s Birth on December 25, the Church did two things; first, she clearly rejected pagan ideas about life, death, birth, etc., and showed...
Orthodox Quote for December 26
“Nothing can replace prayer, and no activity is more valuable than prayer.” (Patriarch Daniel of Romania proclaiming the Year of Prayer)
Orthodox Quote for December 25
“It was as if the angel were saying to Joseph, ‘Do not imagine that, because he is conceived of the Holy Spirit, that you have no part in the...