Orthodox Quote for December 7
“If we ourselves think we can add something to the understanding of the text for our days (perhaps based on the findings of modern science), let it be done...
Orthodox Quote for December 6
“How do you want the Master Christ to appear sweet and meek toward you, since you are becoming harsh with your fellow man and won’t forgive him? How can...
Orthodox Quote for December 5
“The time spent with preschool children for religious education can be a long-term investment to make the world a better #8221; (Metropolitan Daniel of Romania, comments 5/30/2016)
Orthodox Quote for December 4
“When one enters into these prayers with attention and effort, then that great and prayerful spirit will in turn enter into him. He will taste the power of prayer....
Daily Devotional for December 4 -10
Sunday This week: Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. As with most teachings of the Catholic Church, there is nothing at variance with Orthodox teaching on the same issues....
Orthodox Quote for December 3
“From what happens today it is clear to all that His Father gave Him so great a power that even the demons surrender to His name and to the...
Orthodox Quote for December 2
“Do not ask, “But precisely how was it that the Spirit accomplished this in a virgin?” For even when nature is at work, it is impossible fully to explain...
Orthodox Quote for December 1
” Scripture, itself, does not teach that it, alone, is authoritative for the faith and practice of the believer. As I see it, therefore, the question each Christian should...
Orthodox Quote for November 30
“Society in the 50s and 60s, however, changed greatly. The sexual revolution, the war on motherhood, an attack on the feminine, a mentality centered on rights and victimhood, rather...
Orthodox Quote for November 29
“We wish to be saved – and we most certainly must be saved – but our passions are more powerful since we are weak and have no selflessness. Unfortunately...