Orthodox Quote for November 28
“You attend church services, keep the faith, receive Holy Communion, read Orthodox books. But it is possible to do all this almost mechanically, without going deeper into Orthodoxy. Therefore,...
Orthodox Quote for November 27
“The first Adam sinned by eating. Christ prevailed by self-control. He thus teaches that there is no need for us to stay far away from God, even if we...
Daily Devotional for November 27 – December 3
Sunday Ecclesiasticus 3: Hear me your father, O children, and do thereafter, that ye may be safe. 2For the Lord hath given the father honour over the children, and...
Orthodox Quote for November 26
“The world needs prayer… The world doesn’t need some special wisdom and intelligence—the world needs prayer. The world needs saints…” (Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia, October Homily)
Orthodox Quote for November 25
“The external things that the Church requires us to do, as women, are small things. And yet, even these small maters are difficult for us, being raised in the...
Orthodox Quote for November 24
“…prayer is a source of joy and spiritual strength, a source of peace and love for God and for our fellow men; it is the spiritual breath of the...
Orthodox Quote for November 23
“What is it between you and us, alien to God? What is it between you and us, insidious servant that has been cast down from Heaven? You have...
Orthodox Quote for November 22
“Look, if you cause damage, and people reprimand you and you do not complain but rather are happy, saying, “Glory be to God, I needed that reprimand,” you have...
Orthodox Quote for November 21
“If you want to correct others, correct yourself, and then be zealous for others. This is the law of Christ. This is how you will bring joy to the...
Orthodox Quote for November 20
“Too often, we have less patience and faith before the challenges and disappointments of our lives than Peter did. Too often, we convince ourselves that it is pointless to...