Daily Devotional for November 3 – 9
Sunday *This Week Catholic St Josemaria Escriva’s Stations of the Cross meditations First Station: It is after ten in the morning. The trial is moving to its close. There...
Daily Devotional for October 27 – November 2
Sunday 1 Peter 3: You, TOO, who are wives must be submissive to your husbands. Some of these still refuse credence to the word; it is for their 2 wives...
Daily Devotional for October 20 – 26
Sunday 1 Peter 2:16 To silence, by honest living, the ignorant 16 chatter of fools; that is what God expects of you. Free men, but the liberty you enjoy is...
Daily Devotional for October 13 – 19
Sunday **This week from Catholic Bishop Challoner’s Meditations ….with the humble St. Francis, that what each one is in the sight of God, that he is, and no more....
Daily Devotional for October 6 – 12
Sunday **Prayers: try to do a different prayer from memory each day Luke 13:10 Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. 11 And behold, there was...
Daily Devotional for September 29 – 30
Sunday +Knox version New Testament with Navarre Catholic Commentary this week Commentary on 1 Peter chapter 1 cont: The Christian has attained the honour of being a son or...
Daily Devotional for September 22 – 28
Sunday Book of First Peter using the Ronald Knox translation, Catholic Navarre commentary 1 Peter 1: PETER, An APOSTLE of Jesus Christ, to the elect who dwell as foreigners...
Daily Devotional for September 15 – 21
Sunday *Wisdom from Orthodox Elders this week Elder St Paisios on Obeying God… “We are truly free, in the spiritual sense, when we obey the will of God. But...
Daily Devotional for September 8 – 14
Sunday **This week wisdom from Orthodox Elders “We should regard Christ as our friend. He is our friend. He asserts that this Himself when He says you are my...
Daily Devotional for September 1 – 7
Sunday ++Readings this will from Bishop Fulton Sheen’s ‘Life of Christ’ She never speaks again in Scripture [Mary after speaking to the servants]. Seven times she had spoken in...