Orthodox News Briefs 12/19…
“It can be concluded without hesitation that the Patriarchate of Constantinople is looking increasingly isolated from mainstream of the Orthodox Church and its Council project, at least in its...
Orthodox News Briefs
“Over the course of several days—and with the help of a front-loader and dump truck—nearly 40 tons of rocks, to be used in erecting the walls, were hauled to...
Muhammed Guaranteed Freedom to Christians…
” No one is allowed to plunder the pilgrims, or destroy or spoil any of their churches, or houses of worship, or take any of the things contained within these...
Is Turkey ISIS’ Best Friend?
“ISIS , in other words, is state-sponsored — indeed, sponsored by purportedly Western-friendly regimes in the Muslim world, who are integral to the anti-ISIS coalition…” (British Journalist and Analyst Nafeez Ahmed) ISIS Fanatics and...
Priest Shortage Shakes Greece…
“Nowadays it is not easy to become Orthodox Christian either, considering among other things, the number of religious conflicts around the #8221; Interview with Recent Orthodox Convert & Actor…...
News Briefs: Convert Priest Reposes in Haiti
“When I look at the present state of things in the world I realize that Vladimir Putin is the sole defender of Christian civilization one can rely #8221; (President...
Orthodox Mortal Combat
“I follow my heart. There are no easy decisions either in America, or anywhere else in the world. This will be a new challenge for me.” Mortal Combat Villain...
Up-to-date Orthodox Mission News
Facebook is much better than websites in keeping up with Orthodox mission news. Here are three major organizations… OCMC: Orthodox Missionary Fraternity: Mayan Orthodox Missions:
Bad News-Good News for Orthodox
Iraq Passes Forced Islamic Conversion Law … Serbian Orthodox Students Attached in Croatia … ;mm=11&dd=10&nav_id=96000 “Today Orthodoxy renews its strength and determines the real dimensions of its mission, an ecumenical...
Met. Joseph on Marriage
“…the Church recognizes the word, “marriage,” as designating only one datum: the fleshly union of one man and one woman…in an exclusive way, allowing no others. It is this...