Orthodox Quote for September 20
“The Apostle Peter is first charged with the keys (of the Heavenly Kingdom) before being allowed to renounce Jesus Christ, so that his fall may purify his opinion of...
Orthodox Quote for September 19
“…before Baptism sin dwells in the heart and grace acts from outside, but after Baptism, grace settles in the heart and sin attracts us from outside. It is banished...
Orthodox Quote for September 18
“Spiritual experience in ancient times and spiritual experience in our time is identical, under the condition that the confession of faith is identical. The heavenly knowledge to which the...
Daily Devotional for September 18 – 24
Sunday Mark 8:22 Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. 23 So He took the blind man by the...
Orthodox Quote for September 17
“Man cannot escape God’s eye even as regards the smallest things, even in the most secret places for God is present everywhere. He cannot lie to God without God...
Orthodox Quote for September 16
“God allows temptations so that they might rouse us to remember Him. When we call upon Him, He acts as though He does not hear us so that we...
Orthodox Quote for September 15
“In our day, I assure you, that many saints will come out of the big cities, from within the apartment buildings, the noise, the pollution and the agony of...
Orthodox Quote for September 14
“All the world shall worship Thee and sing of Thee and bless Thy #8221; (Psalm 66/67)
Orthodox Quote for September 13
“When holy things, such as icons, the temple, are censed, that censing is directed toward God, giving Him due honor and glory. When the censer is turned toward people,...
Orthodox Quote for September 12
“Just because a thought comes, we’re not responsible for it. We commit no sin. Even Jesus Himself was tempted by Satan. When thoughts assault us, we should feel no...