Orthodox Quote for August 17
“Without humility, it’s impossible to hunger and thirst for the truth of Christ, for a proud man hungers and thirsts only for everyone to consider his own views as...
Orthodox Quote for August 16
“Where will the faithful show that they belong to him, that they’re obedient to his voice? They’ll show who they really are in difficulties, nowhere else. That’s when it’ll...
Orthodox Quote for August 15
“Everything is in God’s hands. The Lord will take care of it all. Everything will be as is necessary for my salvation!” (Natalia Yeremicheva, Ukrainian Refugee Volunteer)
Orthodox Quote for August 14
“Just as illness takes away a man’s last strength and health, so does sin take away from the soul its last strength of faith. Physical food restores physical strength,...
Daily Devotional for August 14-20
Sunday Mark 3:1 And He entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand. 2 So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on...
Orthodox Quote for August 13
“By fasting we physically weaken ourselves literally, physically. We can’t do anything. That’s the whole point. We weaken ourselves and through prayer ask God to help us. God will...
Orthodox Quote for August 12
“And how can we explain it when we must meet our friend or an important person in this temporary life, we go to him dressed as best as we...
Orthodox Quote for August 11
“Outwardly bowing down before the great Cross of Christ and His Passion, singing the praises of the weapon of our salvation, one skillfully and inventively side-steps one’s own personal...
Orthodox Quote for August 10
“…there are teaching which are prophetic – seeing things not as they are but as they need to be. Prophetic teachings demand change and repentance, give up security and...
Orthodox Quote for August 9
“The world and life are a fair, and each person can buy eternal life with the “money” of his life. How wise is the person who spends his money—his...