Orthodox Quote for August 8
“Blessed is the man who knows this and honors the Most Holy Virgin Mary as the Theotokos, as the Mother of all, as his Mother. But it is bad...
Orthodox Quote for August 7
“Whenever famine, plague, flood or war descended upon God’s people, it was interpreted as a wakeup call from Him unto repentance. They had abandoned the path of God which...
Daily Devotional for August 7-13
Sunday Mark 1: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 2 As it is written in the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your...
Orthodox Quote for August 6
“It is for our singular innocence, our great honesty, our justice, purity, and love of truth, yes, it is for the living God that we are burned to death....
Orthodox Quote for August 5
“Through Christian education, they themselves become the luminous torches of the spiritual life, living parables and true confessors of the Gospel of Christ’s merciful love for all people.” (Metropolitan...
Orthodox Quote for August 4
“In the Prayer before Holy Communion we each state clearly that our Lord Jesus Christ ‘came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am #8217; Yes, we...
Orthodox Quote for August 3
“ Matthew presents more particularly a Jewish understanding of Christ, with an emphasis on the kingdom of heaven. Mark contains specific, picturesque details of Christ’s ministry not given elsewhere....
Orthodox Quote for August 2
“Do not seek to pry into the mysterious decrees of God. Even the saints have not ventured to do so. We will not murmur against His just judgments. We...
Orthodox Quote for August 1
“…heaven rejoices when one unpleasant sinner repents. This begs a question: do we rejoice when a sinner repents? Is it our joy to play a role in helping a...