Orthodox Quote for July 21
“Without God (without His omnipresence) there cannot be any single motion of my thought or heart: if there is an action, there must be a reason; if there is...
Orthodox Quote for July 20
“Some people foolishly say, God has given man a mind, and that is enough for him. But has not man, even besides his mind, many other teachers, in the...
Orthodox Quote for July 19
“Do not burden yourself with even a small sin, and then a large one will not vanquish you, because it does not happen that a large sin evolves before...
Orthodox Quote for July 18
““We need to pass on the values of the Orthodox faith in the family and the community, to profess the true faith in the face of many errors that...
Orthodox Quote for July 17
“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn. Leading them gently into the knowledge of this world and the knowledge...
Daily Devotional for July 17 – 23
Sunday *Wisdom from Orthodox Elders this week Elder St Paisios on Obeying God… “We are truly free, in the spiritual sense, when we obey the will of God. But...
Orthodox Quote for July 16
“Whoever strives towards God and really wants to become Christ’s follower must follow Him, endeavoring to improve himself and become a new person, not retaining anything within oneself that...
Orthodox Quote for July 30
“No matter how much we have transgressed, let us not despair, and let us know that God allows us to sin so that we can humble ourselves. Otherwise, we...
Orthodox Quote for July 15
“…this secularization of the Church herself that forces so many people, especially the young ones, simply to leave the Church, where no one reveals to them what her real...
Orthodox Quote for July 14
“The corporate prayer of the Body of Christ in the Daily Offices, and the Communion with our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, but especially that third component of our...