Orthodox Quote for July 12
“…you can talk about evil from a philosophical point of view. Tell them that we have two selves, a good and a bad. We must cultivate the good self....
Orthodox Quote for July 11
“It is now high time-the twelfth hour-time for our Church representatives to cease being nothing but the servants of nationalism and for them to become bishops and priests of...
Orthodox Quote for July 10
“The Church does not take anything away from you, it does not hurt you, or inhibit the quality of your life, but rather the contrary – whatever good things...
Daily Devotional for July 10-16
Sunday *Readings from the Old Testament ‘Wisdom of Solomon’ WOS 6: Hear therefore, O ye kings, and understand; learn, ye that be judges of the ends of the...
Orthodox Quote for July 9
“Each time the person comes to mind, each time their photo catches the eye, each time a smell or a garment evokes some memory of them, it is enough...
Orthodox Quote for July 8
“Three icons comprise the core of our iconostasis. In the center, of course, is the image of the Savior—the Merciful Pantocrator, Whose name is Love. On His right hand...
Orthodox Quote for July 7
“The Virgin Mary who offered us the Savior is truly our mother to all because she understands maternal love, since she was a mother, and understands our filial suffering...
Orthodox Quote for July 6
“I can remember how, when I lived in the desert, I became angry with the rushes because they were either too thick or too thin; or with a piece of...
Orthodox Quote for July 5
“If something happens to a member of the community, the community should be aware of it, bring this person groceries, visit him, or help him in some other way....
Orthodox Quote for July 4
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken #8221; (Fr Themi of P4K Orthodox Mission)