Orthodox Quote for June 25
“These are challenging times, but these are also times when you need to be attentive to yourself, so that political passions and human wisdom would not lead us astray...
Orthodox Quote for June 24
“…the reproving of the Spirit is necessary if we are to shake them off. Only then will we experience the Spirit as truly ‘present in all places and filling...
Orthodox Quote for June 23
“The Lord also calls us to Himself through nature which surrounds us. During His earthly life, He Himself often pointed out things in nature as though it were a...
Orthodox Quote for June 22
“The issue here is not how to avoid hardship but how to deal with it…You, the children of the Church, must deal with this hardship and sail through it...
Orthodox Quote for June 21
“It seems this custom that we have, of wishing “for many more years”, is indicative of man’s love for life, and his aversion for death. It reveals the fear...
Orthodox Quote for June 20
“Let us envy the way of life of the first Christians, when everything was common to them all – that is, their lives, souls, agreement, common meals, an indivisible...
Daily Devotional for June 19-25
Sunday *Readings from St Nikolai’s Prologue of Ohrid this week… It sometimes appears to man that the way of the godless is right, for he sees that the godless...
Orthodox Quote for June 18
“…this spiritual weapon is not for exclusive use by monastics, who must dutifully attend to it and apply it as a method and a way of life…but is also...
Orthodox Quote for June 17
“To be filled with the Spirit is eminently practical, because it means that we are motivated by something different than what motivates the world. We are motivated by re-creation....
Orthodox Quote for June 16
“The object is not to sit and afflict and constrict yourself in order to improve. The object is to live, to study, to pray and to advance in love...