Orthodox Quote for June 5
“There are no accidents in life; God the Provider rules the world. Every situation has its higher spiritual meaning, and is given by God in order to fulfill this...
Daily Devotional for June 5 – 11
Sunday This week excerpts from Catholic Saint Josemaria’s ‘Christ is Passing By’ Every time Christmas comes around, I love to look at representations of the child Jesus. Statues and...
Orthodox Quote for June 4
“Prayer is the foundation of man’s life and spiritual growth, it is saving and sanctifying, because it fills us with the presence of the love of the All-Merciful God,...
Orthodox Quote for June 3
“A Christian can draw even from pagan writers what will be useful and pleasing to his Christian life.” (St. Basil the Great, ‘Exhortation to Youth’)
Orthodox Quote for June 2
“Christianity was never intended to be a religion…but a life to be lived…Christianity is not a spectator sport… listening to the readings, hearing sermons or teaching, attending Bible studies...
Orthodox Quote for June 1
“I don’t want to get involved with anyone from the authorities; I don’t want to get involved in their affairs, or ask for their services so I could later...
Orthodox Quote for May 31
“…it is simply impossible to find in Tradition a basis and justification of our present practice of an extremely infrequent, if not yearly, communion of laity… (Fr Alexander Schmemann,...
Orthodox Quote for May 30
“This synthesis of faith was not made to accord with human opinions, but rather what was of the greatest importance was gathered from all the Scriptures, to present the...
Orthodox Quote for May 29
“God wants us to be free human beings, and He wants us as free beings to give ourselves absolutely to Him, loving Him, as He, being free, gave Himself...
Daily Devotional for May 29-June 4
Sunday Continuing of St Stephen’s dialogue with the Jews… Acts 7: 44 “Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as He appointed, instructing Moses to make it...