Orthodox Quote for April 5
“Acquire a peaceful spirit and then thousands of others around you will be saved. ” (St. Seraphim of Sarov, 19th Century Russian Saint)
Orthodox Quote for April 4
“If you just pray and at the same time quarrel, you are jealous, you fight, you answer bad words with more bad words, you will not reform your family,...
Orthodox Quote for April 3
“In order to pray in this way, we must bear in mind the method of prayer, how it is possible to pray without ceasing, to pray with the...
Daily Devotional for April 3-9
Sunday Isaiah 50:4-6; Job 19: “The Lord God has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him...
Orthodox Quote for April 2
“Many people consider themselves good and beautiful on the outside, but if one glances inside a person one can see so many evils and vices that it seems life...
Orthodox Quote for April 1
“The only place where modern man does not like to visit – is himself. He cannot hear the silence, he does not want to hear the voice of his...
Orthodox Quote for March 31
“Sometimes during a lengthy prayer only a few minutes are really pleasing to God, and constitute true prayer, true service to Him. The chief thing in prayer is the...
Orthodox Quote for March 30
“…economic competition is spreading globally, as is the pursuit of ephemeral profit, which is promoted as a principal target. The gloomy consequences of the overconcentration of wealth in the...
Orthodox Quote for March 29
“We have to remember that today the world wants to prosper without God. Both communism and liberalism are false ideas; they deceive man, falsely assuring him that we have...
Orthodox Quote for March 26
”It is the time of generosity, of the good deeds, and if we do not have money for those around us, if we do not have anything material to...