Daily Devotional for March 20-26
Sunday Elder St Paisios True Repentance… God gave man a mind so that he can become aware of his fault, repent and ask for forgiveness. Unrepentance is a cruel...
Orthodox Quote for March 19
“It is about helping people spiritually. If God has placed you on your sickbed, that is already a sign that you should review your whole life – since we...
Orthodox Quote for March 18
“And if there is among them a man that is poor or needy, and they have not an abundance of necessaries, they fast two or three days that they...
Orthodox Quote for March 17
“If we cannot preach with words because they will not be heard, then let us preach by our deeds. Let us preach with the help of those changes that...
Orthodox Quote for March 15
“It is easy to have faith when everything runs smoothly. You can pray, you may feel grace during services. But these are all gifts of God, gifts of the...
Orthodox Quote for March 14
“All Christians…when rising from sleep must first think of and remember Christ. Let every pious man continually repeat this Name as a prayer in his mind and with his...
Orthodox Quote for March 13
“Indifferent and merciless people, who think only of their own selves, insensitively satisfying themselves, simultaneously fill their hearts with much anguish. Within them works the little worm of a...
Orthodox Quote for March 12
“The only means by which you can spend the day in perfect holiness, peace, and without sin, is the most sincere, fervent prayer as soon as you rise from...
Daily Devotional for March 13-19
Sunday …the Bible is not merely a history of the people of Israel. It is also a great chronicle of the soul of mankind, of the souls which would...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“Today’s society is mainly individualist, narcissist and self-sufficient. The soul of the contemporary human being affected by secularization, through the rejection of the mystery of the Church…the spiritual vacuum...