Orthodox Quote for March 1
“We should so live a life of faithfulness that future apocalyptic events have little relevance for us…God will do what seems good to Him and bring The End when...
Orthodox Quote for February 28
“The spiritual life does not require years. Within a second, one can find himself gone from hell into Paradise, if he repents. Man is changeable. He can become an...
Orthodox Quote for February 27
“First of all, when reading Scripture, we are to listen in a spirit of obedience. The Orthodox Church believes in divine inspiration of the Bible. Scripture is a “letter”...
Daily Devotional for February 27 – March 5
Sunday **Excerpts from Christ is Passing by from Catholic St. Josemaria Escriva If the world has come from God, if he has created man in his image and likeness...
Orthodox Quote for February 26
“The Heavens, the earth, the sea in a a word the whole world—is God’s great and admirable book, which is the silent revelation of His word.” (St. Gregory, Dialogus...
Orthodox Quote for February 25
“Parents often dream of taking young children to church services, and certainly children should not be expected to attend all church services and remain perfectly/still and quiet. The mother...
Orthodox Quote for February 24
“That is the way our adversaries operate …They usurp the glorious Name of our Saviour ‘which is above every name.’ They deck themselves out in the language of Scripture, saying...
Orthodox Quote for February 23
“They take the form of a human to communicate God’s will to people more easily and to encourage them more. If they showed themselves in a form other than...
Orthodox Quote for February 22
“The Lord calls us to Himself through various circumstances of our lives. Our life is a school in which the Lord acts upon us as a wise educator upon...
Orthodox Quote for February 21
“The spirit of the age increasingly presses in upon us; the claims of expediency, of majority opinion (or majority sentiment) seem often very strong indeed; and we as individuals,...