Orthodox Quote for February 11
“A serious ailment of the modern Christian is the habit of praying absentmindedly, uncollectedly, more with the lips and fingers than with the mind and heart…Canons and akathists are...
Orthodox Quote for February 10
“The Saviour never asks people for anything beyond their power. Only that some of His exhortations cannot be fulfilled without His help. He says, ‘Without Me, you can do...
Orthodox Quote for February 9
“…the fathers say that we ought to search the Scriptures assiduously, in humility and with the counsel of experienced men, learning not merely theoretically but by putting into practice...
Orthodox Quote for February 8
“Conscience in men is nothing else but the voice of the omnipresent God moving in the heart–the Lord knows all …. Watch your heart throughout your life; examine it,...
Daily Devotional for February 6 – 12
Sunday *Psalms of praise this week Psalm 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with...
Orthodox Quote for February 5
“For when the evil spirit suggests a sin to the mind, if there ensue no delight in the sin, the sin is in no way committed; but when the...
Orthodox Quote for February 4
“…where we have to ask God what He wants us to do, where He wants us to go or to stay. And the answer is sure to come, if...
Orthodox Quote for February 3
“A Christian refuses to point to human imperfection, or to “the survival of animal nature” as the sole reason for the existence of evil in human beings, but believes...
Orthodox Quote for February 7
“First it must be remembered that the mother has the great role of nurturer. The mother is the first object of the child’s affection because she is his feeder...
Orthodox Quote for February 2
“These sacrifices, which by you are offered to devils, neither can avail the worshippers, nor fulfill the desires and petitions of the suppliants. Rather, whosoever shall offer sacrifice to...