Orthodox Quote for February 1
“This old man is present as an ideal in fiction, and especially in modern to us again and again, this idea of the old man, as a living...
Orthodox Quote for January 31
“Demons do not know what is in our hearts, as some people imagine. There is only One to Whom all hearts are open — God, Who knows the human...
Orthodox Quote for January 30
“The work of piety and communion with God is a work of much labor and much pain, especially in the beginning. Where can we find the power to undertake...
Daily Devotional for January 30 – February 6
Sunday **We will begin a series on the Gospels with commentary from Archbishop Averky* Luke 1:1-4 Inasmuch as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of...
Orthodox Quote for January 29
“When from your desire to please yourself your heart shifts from its position of self-denial, then like a very heavy stone that has shifted from its position on a...
Orthodox Quote for January 28
“We think of worship as a specifically clerical sphere of activity. The priest celebrates, the laity attend. One is active, the other passive. It is another error and a...
Orthodox Quote for January 27
“In the first centuries it was not only the pastors who were tortured, but lay persons as well – men, women, and even children. And it was lay people...
Orthodox Quote for January 26
“There are many people who cling to memories of past sins, holding on to guilt and shame, reliving things long ago confessed, as though they happened yesterday… For us...
Orthodox Quote for January 25
“We want to sin and want to have a good God Who should forgive us, while we sin. That is, we will do whatever we please, and He must...
Orthodox Quote for January 24
“For the believer, the Gospel begins where Christ enters into his mind and heart by His grace. We learn that there is eternal life, there is a true God...