Orthodox Quote for December 19
“Different Orthodox people have different customs. Thus, in some countries it is customary to kneel during the Gospel, or during the Great Doxology at Matins, even on Sundays and...
Daily Devotional December 19-25
Sunday Verses from the Scriptural Rosary with emphasis this week on the Nativity Joyful Mystery 1 Annunciation (March 25 – 9 months before the Birth of Jesus) Therefore the...
Orthodox Quote for December 18
“With my Christ I was, and am, and shall #8221; (St. Theodore of Canterbury, final words @ 690)
Orthodox Quote for December 17
“Humility isn’t a matter of whether we’re prepared to dwell in a manger or in a stable. The essence lies elsewhere and it’s elsewhere that Christ wants us to...
Orthodox Quote for December 16
“Over the years I’ve observed that people with no religious background embrace Orthodox Christianity more easily than committed Christians from other church backgrounds. The secular folks have no preconceived...
Orthodox Quote for December 15
“The truth is that we do not know when the end is coming, for Jesus tells us that only the Father knows the date and the hour. We must...
Orthodox Quote for December 14
“We should give thanks to Him, as it is said: ‘In everything give thanks’ (I Thess. 5:18). Closely linked to this phrase is another of St. Paul’s injunctions: ‘Pray...
Orthodox Quote for December 13
“Remember that the infant Christ was born in a barn, which by virtue of His presence became a temple. The same will be true of our distracted, broken lives...
Orthodox Quote for December 12
“The first and foremost reason why our intention to correct ourselves and lead a holy life remains without result lies in the fact that our intention is often too...
Daily Devotional for December 13 – 18
Sunday **Wisdom from the Elders this week Elder Ephraim of Arizona on Guarding the Conscience… “We must guard our conscience on three points—with respect to God, with respect to...