Orthodox Quote for December 11
“I am very thankful to God when I have a little bread (when I might not have any), but when I have bread going moldy because I have so...
Orthodox Quote for December 10
“But mark, my son, only the good deed done for Christ’s sake brings us the fruits of the Holy Spirit. All that is not done for Christ’s sake, even...
Orthodox Quote for December 9
“The submission of wives to husbands therefore finds its root in the service of husbands to their wives. Christ laid down His life for His bride the Church, and...
Orthodox Quote for December 8
“…if the Lord did not spare a people, peculiar out of all the nations, the royal seed and holy nation… when they swerved from the right path, what will...
Orthodox Quote for December 7
“Let not, therefore, the toil of the journey, nor the tongues of evil-speaking men, discourage you; but with all earnestness and zeal perform, by God’s guidance, that which you...
Orthodox Quote for December 6
“In their own way are our pets not offering God glory by being what He created them to be? Living the life they were created for helps God to...
Orthodox Quote for December 5
“A Christian does not look on faith to be an abstract conviction, but understands it to be total trust in God as revealed in Christ (Rom. ).” (Fr Alexander...
Daily Devotional for December 5-11
Sunday Ecclesiastes 9:For I considered all this in my heart, so that I could declare it all: that the righteous and the wise and their works are in the...
Orthodox Quote for December 4
“How can God allow for such a harsh thing to happen? Doesn’t God feel pain – God’s pain for the people who are suffering from ill nesses, from demons,...
Orthodox Quote for December 3
“Courage means going against the current. As you know, only dead fish flow freely wherever the river flows, while living fish flow upstream to the pure spring and the...