Orthodox Quote for November 14
“Why is it that the different races of mankind consider their faith to be the one Divinely revealed? It is because God has revealed Himself to the first people...
Daily Devotional for November 14-20
Sunday ++St Nikolai’s Prologue this week In the heart is the will, in the heart is love, in the heart is understanding, in the heart is the face of...
Orthodox Quote for November 13
“…while growth in plants, for example, is a gradual development of faculties — easy, unconstrained — in a Christian it is a battle with oneself involving much labor, intense...
Orthodox Quote for November 12
“How many men have devoted their lives to the service of God and consecrated themselves to the Church because from childhood they have kept their love for the house...
Orthodox Quote for November 11
“The struggle is not small; it does not last for only one day, but until our last breath… Do not disregard your small imperfections and say, “This is nothing.”...
Orthodox Quote for November 10
“ I have many times had to confess people on their deathbeds. Their confessions are not about not having earned a million dollars, built a luxurious home, or been...
Orthodox Quote for November 9
“Be mindful always of God. That is how our mind will acquire agility. Agility of mind comes from vigilance. Vigilance is passionate love for God. It is always having...
Orthodox Quote for November 8
“The truth, today, is equivalent to people’s interests. Very, very few people today bear witness to the truth because people look out for their own. Their basic concern is...
Orthodox Quote for November 7
“Study, prayer, introversion and some peace and tranquillity help a lot too. Christ helps those who are fighting the good fight that all the Saints embraced in order to...
Daily Devotional for November 7-12
Sunday Judges 2 11Then the sons of Israel did evil before the Lord and served the Baals. 12They forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who had brought them out...