Orthodox Quote for November 6
“Do you read the Gospel every day? That must be done—read either the prescribed Gospel passage for every day (there are instructions in the calendar) or (if it is...
Orthodox Quote for November 5
“A ‘podvig’…means to be denied something needful. Anything that involves self-denial, the assuming of a burden, extra fasting or prostrations, etc. are examples of podvig. Podvigs can also be...
Orthodox Quote for November 4
“If I want others to follow my principles I have to do things as they do, go through the same troubles. I have to be strong enough to comfort...
Orthodox Quote for November 3
“He reminds us that if we want to obtain something from God, we must ask relentlessly and never give up. At the same time, He repeatedly reminds us that...
Orthodox Quote for November 2
“Christians love one another. They never fail to help widows. They save orphans from those who would hurt them. If a Christian person has something, he gives to a...
Orthodox Quote for November 1
“‘The peace from above’ comes down from God the Father Himself and isn’t dependent upon circumstances and events of this world. The peace of God doesn’t depend on what’s...
Orthodox Quote for October 31
“It is not compassionate to revise, ignore, or trample under foot the essential truths of our Church in order to curry favor with public opinion, the winds and waves...
Daily Devotional for October 31 – November 6
Sunday Elder Amphilochios+ of Patmos on Love of Christ… “When someone opens your heart, I’d like him to find nothing there but Christ…I ask you to put this order...
Orthodox Quote for October 30
“Every creature expresses in itself a thought of And since God’s thought is of And since God’s thought is perfect and complete, it follows that every creature,...
Orthodox Quote for October 28
“The Lord calls to Him all sinners; He opens His arms wide, even to the worst among them. Gladly He takes them in His arms, if only they will...