Orthodox Quote for October 18
“We must therefore be aware of our calling as Orthodox Christians… Especially in our times, when the Church exists in the world like an island in the midst of...
Orthodox Quote for October 17
“God loves us so much that he receives us, and receives us with joy, the way we are. But he loves us too much to allow us to stay...
Daily Devotional for October 17 – 23
Sunday Exodus 14:39Then Moses told these words to all the children of Israel, and the people mourned exceedingly. 40But they rose early in the morning and went up to...
Orthodox Quote for October 15
“God is not unjust to anyone; He has given each person a unique gift which will help him with his spiritual progress. Just as no two people are exactly...
Orthodox Quote for October 15
“So sin, even small ones, leave an indelible mark on my soul. Everything seems alright: You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, but still—you get up in the morning and...
Orthodox Quote for October 14
“All people have a cross to carry. There is no man in this world without a cross. Those who met Christ from the time of their childhood have for...
Orthodox Quote for October 13
“But for those who will submit, who will not flee when the trials come, but look them in the face and know that they are meant for the glorious...
Orthodox Quote for October 12
“Just as important as knowing why we should read the Bible is knowing how we should read the Bible…Pray to the Lord to illumine your mind–so that you may understand the words of...
Orthodox Quote for October 11
“Lord, grant that I may see my transgressions, that I may not despise sinners, like unto myself, and may not nourish any ill-feeling in my heart against them for...
Orthodox Quote for October 10
“Mercy and love of almsgiving are works that God loves. They deify those who practice them and imprint upon them the likeness of the Good so that they become...